
playful, nostalgic mini dates

designed for connection and fun

We’ve had our share of dating disappointments, right? We’re sick of swiping. We’re ready for real face to face connection and positive dating experiences.


kazoo •

psst…you’re allowed to have fun!

Do interview-style questions on traditional first dates bring out your favorite version of yourself?

Yeah, me neither.

Kazoo! is designed to help you feel like a fun, flirty, playful date. You don’t have to stress about coming up with questions or answering them. Each game will give you a fun activity that helps connection flow naturally.

We’re just here as humans enjoying a human experience in connection with other humans.

Whether or not we decide to pursue future dates with each partner, we’re having fun in the moment.

Kazoo! makes it easy for us to offer each other positive dating experiences that make us feel just a little better about humanity.

less thinkin, more feelin

At a kazoo! dating event, you can expect to have about 5 to 11 mini dates, playing nostalgic games like Connect 4, Lite Brite, Jenga, and more. You will play with each partner for five minutes and then rotate so you have a new game and a new partner. The event will last about an hour and a half.

You can select an event that suits your personal identity and who you’re looking for. As kazoo! grows, we’ll be looking forward to adding even more options for different age groups and orientations.

Kazoo! friendship events take the same format, but with the platonic intention of good ol’ fashioned human connection.




come check out an event!